My dad's cancer treatment
BY Collin McHugh
When you first hear the word, “cancer,” you think it’s the end of the world. So, when my dad was diagnosed withprostate cancer几年前,我们的家人遭受了破坏。
我们没有人真正知道会发生什么,但是MD Anderson从我父母走过门的第二秒起,真是令人难以置信。他们与之打交道的每个人都欢迎和乐于助人。他们一路上遇到的患者使抗癌似乎也更易于管理。
We’re hopeful that one day, after my dad is healthy again, we’ll be able to look back on this experience as something that made us all stronger.
Prostate cancer treatment is like a baseball season
我爸的prostate cancer treatment一直很像棒球赛季,有很多起伏。有时候他感觉很棒,有时候他对他的努力, which means it’s harder on my mom and the rest of us, too. But he’s been involved in a number of临床试验,而且他的经验很丰富 - 如果您在治疗前列腺癌的同时可以吃。
一家人在一起是真正帮助我们的一件事。仅仅要求我们的透明度迫使我们彼此之间更加开放和诚实 - 无论我们的感觉和感觉如何。这使我们成为一个家庭。
I hope our cancer story stops with me
I plan to play baseball for a long time. But I also want to live a long time. So, today, I’m doing everything I can预防- 保持无癌。每当你知道被诊断出患有癌症的人,它变得更加个人化。而且您想竭尽所能,因为每一点都很重要。
There is so much out there in terms of cancer research and癌症治疗, that Making Cancer History® is possible. And it’s not so far away you can’t see it. My dad had cancer and his dad had cancer, too. But, I’m hopeful that that story stops with me.
柯林·麦克休(Collin McHugh)在三个公共服务公告中都有特色MD Anderson在春季训练期间,在棕榈滩的球场上跑步,以提高人们对太阳安全,预防癌症和健康生活的认识。柯林也在为MD Anderson代表杰森·莫特基金会(Jason Motte Foundation)和108针,以防止其他人像家人一样经历癌症。
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