My commitment toMD安德森是双重的。作为该机构访问者的主席,我挑战任何人寻找更专用,充满活力的人群。这是一个绝对的乐趣,事实上,荣幸地领导这个团体并为该机构提供服务,这具有如此至关重要的使命。
作为患者MD安德森,我犯了更加个人层面。听到这些话,“你有癌症,”是一种深刻的谦卑经历。然而,我的旅程已经让人慷慨地帮助支持尖端的人更容易乐动体育LDsports中国在MD安德森to find new and better ways to detect and treat cancer. I’m deeply gratified by their dedication. I’m living proof that Making Cancer History® is truly within our grasp.
圣安东尼奥的公民和社区领导人Nancy B. Loeffler是大学癌症基础访问者(BOV)的主席,并为转变癌症护理执行委员会的竞选活动。她正处于西南航空公司董事会,并在弗罗斯特银行咨询委员会。Loeffler还在国家女牛仔博物馆和名人堂的董事会,San Antonio Lighthouse,为盲人德克萨斯州德克萨斯大学的盲人和Blanton艺术博物馆。She has formerly held positions on the Board of Regents of St. Mary's University, the Capitol Advisory Committee for Texas Lutheran University and the Vice President's Residence Foundation in Washington, D.C. Since joining the BOV in 1996, Loeffler has served as BOV vice chair and Membership Committee chair, on the Development, Institutional Initiatives and Strategic Advisory committees and on the South Campus Research Initiative Steering Committee.