Survivors Say
希尔顿w·格雷厄姆,II,里士满,弗吉尼亚州member of MD Anderson's Advance Team since 2010, serving on the education committee. He is the founder of The Graham Consulting Group, LLC, a full-service political and public affairs consulting firm.
In September 2009, I had astem cell transplantin hopes of beating my second bout in 10 years withHodgkin's lymphoma。当时我30岁的时候,我有移植和在家里有一个8个月大的女儿。我没能看到她很为她生命的第一年。但由于MD安德森,我现在很快乐,健康的,因为我可以,更何况漂亮的2和半岁的女孩而骄傲。我爱每一刻我与她相处。
Staring cancer in the face makes you appreciate and recognize some of the things in your life that require more attention than most of us realize. It awakens your spirits and aligns perspective.
虽然道路是不愉快的,结局是美丽的。我感谢MD安德森for helping me get there.