当她来到MD安德森来自密歇根救生手术last fall, 25-year-old newlywed Katie Uren knew she had the heart ― and the multidisciplinary care team ― to make it through her complex surgery and recovery.
Uren came toMD安德森和复发后的多学科骨盆肉瘤计划Ewing’s sarcoma最初诊断为在2008年凭借在她的骨盆一个微妙的位置的肿瘤,Uren在威斯康星州的医生一直不愿意执行复杂,漫长的手术。Uren,有执照的护士,了解,她将麻醉下超过20小时。她知道,并发症的发生率较高,并且恢复与重建将是困难的。不过,她有信心加紧进行手术。
“我曾在我的医生这么多的信心在MD安德森” Uren说。
What she didn’t have was the requisite blood for the 23-hour operation that involved surgical teams specialized in urology, orthopedics and neurosurgery. The large quantity needed of Uren’s rare blood type almost derailed the operation.
That’s where Houston-based Reliant Energy, an NRG Company, entered as an unexpected and welcome member of her support team.
Reliant learned of Uren’s surgery through a KRIV-TV, Fox Channel 26 report and was confident that employees would rally to donate the necessary blood, and then some.
Reliant collected a record 82 units during the drive, beating its previous high of 70 units following an appeal for donations to support a Reliant employee’s family member, also under treatment at MD Anderson.
雷莱恩/ NRG已安排额外的驱动器来年,确保库房保持库存。
“A company can schedule blood drives, but it takes people to make them successful,” says Jason Few, NRG executive vice president and chief customer officer, Reliant president and a member of MD Anderson’s Board of Visitors. “The people of NRG and Reliant always respond when there’s a need, and we’re honored to support MD Anderson patients. I’m incredibly proud to work with people who have such passion and commitment.”