“推杆,结束癌症”的活动引起了$ 125,000个
作为PGATOUR®的官方癌症中心,MD Anderson has a national platform to advance its mission to end cancer, help spectators understand and manage cancer risk, and raise funds for critical cancer research and programs.
作为PGATOUR®的官方癌症中心,MD Andersonhas a national platform to advance its mission to end cancer, help spectators understand and manage cancer risk, and raise funds for critical cancer research and programs.
Through this partnership, which began in 2015,MD Andersonhas educated thousands of professional golfers and spectators on sun safety, the risks of skin cancer and the importance of early detection. Most recently,MD Andersonhas a presence at the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines Golf Course in San Diego, California, and at the Houston Open at the Golf Club of Houston. Next up is the Northern Trust Open at Ridgewood Country Club in Paramus, New Jersey, in August, followed by the TOUR Championship at East Lake Golf Club near Atlanta in September.MD Andersonagain will provide public shaded bleachers and complimentary skin cancer screenings while distributing free sunscreen, UV-protectant sunglasses and SPF 30 lip balm.
超过106,000比赛的与会者都将显示签署他们的支持MD安德森的strike-through-cancer-wall at the centrally locatedMD Anderson亭。观众已经应用推荐免费防晒霜等于25,600超过200加仑1-ounceapplications.MD Andersonhas conducted more than 1,000 free skin cancer screenings for PGA TOUR players, caddies, members of the media and fans.
Putt to End Cancer
在高尔夫球场,“一推” - 当绿色高尔夫球进入孔一举 - 是压力下的技术,规划和冷静的结果。这是值得庆祝的事 - 但从来没有如此比在今年的休斯顿公开赛,当每一个推杆成为了一种手段,在使癌症History®支持MD安德森。
通过推杆,结束癌症,每一个推杆从南方公司,总部设在亚特兰大和SERVPRO,总部设在纳什维尔触发$ 50周的捐款。在整个过程中作为一个推杆数,与美巡赛的ShotLink技术,跟踪观看了监控风扇增长预期和安装。
The Putt to End Cancer campaign underscored everyone's potential to make a difference in MD Anderson's fight against cancer, says Chris Womack, executive vice president and president of external affairs for Southern Company.
"Cancer has touched me, and a lot of my colleagues, in so many ways. MD Anderson has a special place in my heart, and we're proud to support its cancer research and prevention efforts," says Womack. "We've seen no better effort being waged against cancer than what's occurring atMD Anderson. Anything we can do to try to raise awareness and also to generate funding for innovative research is something we're excited to be a part of."
SERVPRO is proud to support MD Anderson's mission to end cancer, says Chad Lewis, marketing services division manager.
“SERVPRO已经癌症的破坏性后果的严重影响,而且我们早就知道伟大的工作在MD Anderson,“刘易斯说,”我们认识了MD Anderson更加紧密地哈维飓风期间。虽然这是一个不幸的情况,我们为更多地了解SERVPRO如何有助于通过支持推杆,最终使癌症肿瘤病史的机会表示感谢。我们很自豪地站所有谁是战斗来打败这个可怕的疾病。”
Putt to End Cancer raised a total of $125,000 in contributions from the two companies. Proceeds will supportMD安德森的任务结束癌症。
Houston Open gets a swinging start
为了揭开序幕休斯顿公开赛庆祝活动,MD Anderson举办了超过40米的捐助者,癌症患者,医生和在四季酒店休斯顿Topgolf®摇摆套房职业球手。
烤肉滑块,鸡翅,薯条和鳄梨酱,油炸玉米粉饼和更灯红酒绿之后,几位嘉宾很高兴地从马克罗尔芬,谁在处理的NBC /高尔夫频道分析师和癌症幸存者的高尔夫挥杆获取提示MD Anderson.
PGA TOUR players Matt Kuchar, Chris Stroud and Hunter Mahan chatted with fans and doctors, includingSusan Chon, M.D.和Anisha帕特尔,医学博士, who spent the day at Golf Club of Houston providing free skin cancer screenings for players and caddies.
"MD Andersontruly cares about every person," says Mahan. "They're working hard every day to figure out what's the best treatment for the individual. It's more than a focus. It's their drive every single day in what they do. I play golf for a living and I try to be the best I can at that. What they're doing is changing lives."
春季狂欢在MD Anderson儿童癌症医院
Spring fever was in the air atMD Anderson儿童癌症医院当美巡赛妻子协会休假从休斯顿公开赛将主机的娱乐和游戏的一个下午。
春天一扔,未以营利为目的组织的第四次在年度盛会MD Anderson儿童癌症医院,包括噗噗高尔夫球,跳舞,照相亭,复活节彩蛋,漫画图纸,画脸和艺术项目,从儿童艺术工程讲师和艺术医学杂志。妇女也提供内建一个熊和礼包,并在自己的床边访问患者。
"Our members loved the interaction with the patients," says Jennifer Perry, executive director of the PGA TOUR Wives Association. "It was such a meaningful experience to spend time with the patients, families, doctors and nurses. These patients are surrounded by a great support team, and it was special to be a part of that team for a day."
The PGA TOUR Wives Association has made it a priority to support programs atMD Anderson儿童癌症医院。今年的$ 7,500个捐赠受益的合作MD Andersonand the Lollipop Theater, which brings first-run movies to the hospital.
Katrina Burton and Allison Schaffer contributed to this story.