Former MD Anderson president honored for leadership, contributions to cancer research
校董德州主板的大学已经一致通过任命John Mendelsohn, M.D., as president emeritus of MD Anderson Cancer Center. Mendelsohn, who served asMD安德森’s third full-time president from 1996 to 2011, retired on Aug. 31.
Internationally renowned for hisclinical cancer researchand平移癌症研究乐动体育LDsports中国, Mendelsohn has received numerous honors over the course of his career. Most recently he received theTang Prize in Biopharmaceutical Science, which cited his role in conceiving the idea of using antibodies to target the epidermal growth factor receptor.
During Mendelsohn’s 15-year tenure as president ofMD安德森,该机构增加了一倍以上的规模和范围,比增加了四倍的操作和研究预算越来越显著扩大其协作网络,在国内和国际。乐动体育LDsports中国南校区研究计划启用的发展乐动体育LDsports中国Red and Charline McCombs Institutefor the Early Detection and Treatment of Cancer, and MD Anderson’s largest fundraising campaign, Making Cancer History®: The Campaign to Transform Cancer Care, generated more than $1.2 billion in philanthropy.
门德尔松的领导指导洛瑞和佩吉梅斯诊所,320张床位以上的除医院Alkek,约翰·门德尔松学院中心,T·布恩·皮肯斯学术大楼,开幕的质子治疗中心,的一个126-室膨胀Rotary House International Hotel和乔治和辛西娅·米切尔基础科学的研究大楼乐动体育LDsports中国。在预防癌症前,他负责的创建邓肯家庭研究所癌症预防和风险评估在新的达恩·L·邓肯建设,加强努力,在其轨道阻止癌细胞。未来的教育卫生保健提供者和社会公众也都是他的首要任务之一。在2011年卸任总统后,门德尔松仍对教师作为导演谢赫·哈利法·本·扎耶德·阿勒纳哈扬研究所的个性化癌症治疗。