The cancer prevention community rejoiced this summer with the Texas Legislature’s passage of Senate Bill 329. Effective Sept. 1, this legislation prohibits anyone under the age of 18 from using tanning salons and was authored by Sen. Joan Huffman (R-Houston) and sponsored by Rep. John Zerwas, M.D. (R-Katy). The measure received widespread support from numerous organizations and public health advocates, including the Texas Dermatological Society, the American Cancer Society, the Texas Medical Association, the Texas Academy of Family Physicians, the Texas Pediatric Society, the Texas Hospital Association, the Texas Association of Health Plans and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. Through coordination of MD Anderson’s Governmental Relations office, the institution served as the primary scientific and clinical resource, with input from Moon Shots Program leaders, including the黑色素瘤登月团队和平台,致力于癌症预防和控制。
杰弗里Gershenwald,医学博士Michael Wilkerson,医学博士,德克萨斯大学加尔维斯顿分校的皮肤学教授,德克萨斯皮肤学会主席,在最近的一篇评论文章中提到了这些令人震惊的数据:
- 只有11个85%年龄在18个黑色素增加风险之前室内晒黑。
- 在美国,17岁的女孩平均每年晒黑25次,而晒黑越多,患黑色素瘤的风险就越高。
- UV辐射和UV发射晒黑装置被分类为致癌物。世界卫生组织将他们包括在烟草烟雾和钚的致癌物名单。