“Having a vague goal like ‘eat healthy’ or ‘exercise more’ can end in frustration, because there is no clear starting point, no way to evaluate the feasibility of the goal, and no way to know if you’ve succeeded,” says Andrea Murray, health education specialist in the癌症预防中心。
“Having a SMART goal allows you to define what you want to do and how you will measure your progress,” says Murray. As you develop your goal, ask yourself the following questions.
Is your goal specific?The first step in developing a good habit is to describe exactly what that new habit will be. Instead of saying you will eat more vegetables and fruits, your goal might be to fill 2/3 of your plate with non-starchy vegetables and fruits at each meal.
Is your goal measurable?衡量您的进度并掌握自己沿途的责任将有助于让您追踪。在线或纸质期刊是监控您的进度的好方法。
Is your goal attainable?Make sure you have the tools, information and resources you need to reach your goal.If a gym membership is out of your budget, a walking program like the one described above may be a better option for a fitness goal.
Is your goal realistic?Setting a goal that is realistic can help avoid setbacks and false starts. For example, if you know you hate to run, training for a marathon may not be realistic.
It’s not just eating healthy or exercising in the short term, but making long-term changes that may reduce cancer risk.
是我mportant to evaluate your goals often and adjust them as needed to maintain your healthy lifestyle. Even if your goals are SMART,你可能会袭击障碍或者回到旧习惯。默里说,刚刚回到轨道并专注于您的成功。
在MD Anderson的Lyda Hill癌症预防中心申请预约or call 877-632-6789.