“While still early, these may be the most important study findings for limited stage small cell lung cancer in the past decade,” says Ritsuko Komaki, M.D., professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology, program director of Lung Cancer Research and Thoracic Radiation Oncology and the study’s lead author. “This research is important because it achieved a high level of control of the disease while minimizing damage to the esophagus.”
这项研究已通过适应一个新的随机间试验 - 包括放射治疗肿瘤学组和西南肿瘤协作组,等等 - 这将招募700名患者,在全国多个站点。而他们所得乐动体育LDsports中国到的相同的同步化疗这项研究将比较三种辐射剂量水平,分级及治疗持续时间。