Craig Kovitz,M.D.,助理教授MD Anderson’s Department of General Oncology and stationed atMD Anderson’s Regional Care Center in the Bay Area, joined the Air Force after graduating from college to secure funding for medical school. Like other military branches, the Air Force supports education in exchange for active duty service upon completion of a degree.
Service leads to opportunity
After returning home and completing his medical fellowship, Kovitz decided to help lead a newMD Andersonventure in establishing regional care centers located around the Houston metro area. Admittedly, engaging in this uncharted expansion was risky, but with his wartime experience, it was just another adventure.
“All of us had trauma training in our residency programs, but, in the military, we dealt with a population of patients who had injuries from IED’s (improvised explosive devices) and other mechanisms we hadn’t seen before,” Mittendorf says.
Ironically, serving at Walter Reed Medical Center was where Mittendorf discovered her interest in breast cancer. The hospital has the largest breast center within the Department of Defense, and, while not large by MD Anderson standards, was a significant opportunity in her career development.
“这是一个为一个人和一位外科医生为我的后续准备的人和一个外科医生为期四年MD Andersonfellowship and faculty position,” she says. “The skills I developed in the military come into play almost every day, and they’ve helped me build my clinical practice and academic program.”
“Being in the Air Force was an accidental gift in some ways,” he says. “I joined for a different purpose, but I will tell people for the rest of my life that it was the most important experience I’ve ever had.”