相关故事:The immuno man
Almost 40 years ago, fresh from a post-doctoral fellowship at the prestigious Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation in La Jolla, Calif., Allison was looking for his first job as a scientist.
休斯顿的朋友把他送到了一个新的MD Andersonprogram in Smithville, a research center that studies cancer causes. Importantly for Allison, Smithville is just southeast of Austin.
在La Jolla,他在乐队中发挥了口语,并曾经向德克萨斯威廉·尼尔森队的铂金庆典进行了挑战。当纳尔逊之后他可能会在那天晚上挑选和玩耍时,艾莉森给了他和其他两位音乐家乘车去他的常规亨德,这位刺绣。
“A friend of mine was singing ‘Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain’ when we arrived. He just about gagged.
That part of his California stay was fun, but “I loved Austin and wanted to get back,” Allison says.
所以他打包了他的车,开车到史密斯维尔并询问了一份工作。他成为一个招聘在生物化学助理教授的科学园的第六人。他初次研究涉及使用免疫系乐动体育LDsports中国统的组分 - 抗体 - 了解肝癌。