Pediatric patients have been a part of MD Anderson’s history since the institution was established almost 70 years ago. Though pediatric cancer is rare, MD Anderson’s Children’s Cancer Hospital has a robust program and sees more than 2,000 children from around the world each year.
1. Living the life in ‘cancer land’
Physicians like Pete Anderson, M.D., Ph.D., professor in the Division of Pediatrics, work so young patients can continue their activities and make “normal” a possibility during cancer treatment. Anderson employs numerous tools for families, including an online calendar where important dates in patients’ lives are noted along with their treatment schedule.
帕特里克Zweidler - 麦凯,医学博士,博士,儿科司助理教授同意这一想法。“我试图让我参与了许多活动,尽可能的患者,然后我安排他们的化疗和约会围绕在他们的生活,这些重要事件,”他说。
Anderson also uses one-page summaries for each of his patients and puts their medical information, calendars, a PowerPoint of the location of the tumor, sample orders for referring physicians, articles and more on a flash drive for patients to take along to share with family, home physicians and nurses.
“我也努力学习一切我可以从每个家庭,并安排医生,而且,如果其他教职员做的事情非常好,我试图将它们纳入我的实践中,”安德森说。“你做听写可以是非常积极的,并说明你知道他们的个人和真正关心 - 而不是你,如果你在一天结束时做了你忘了少”。
He also believes that any care accomplished in an outpatient setting has a big advantage for a child’s quality of life.
At MD Anderson, additional opportunities for meaningful life experiences, such as summer camp and snow skiing, are offered to pediatric patients and their siblings. These activities help children with cancer increase their confidence and give them something to look forward to. Patients often say that it helps them “feel more normal” when they interact with others their age who are going through the same thing.
Many physicians also urge their patients to use such tools as journals and blogs to report what is happening during the cancer journey. These are helpful in letting others know about the patient’s health, provide a means of chronicling the treatment and also allow for self-discovery. In addition, online support groups are empowering. Patients and caregivers are hungry to talk to others in the same situation.
“是什么让你去是认识到你做你最好做一个人的生活的差异。这不,他们只是死活 - 也就是他们的生活质量,”安德森说。“病人有非常丰富的,长篇叙事充满细节。他们来到MD安德森写了几更多的章节,希望他们可以开始一个全新的书。”
2. Beam me up
When we talk proton therapy, we’re speaking of the tiny beams of radiation that can be delivered to a tumor with remarkable precision.
In May 2006, the Proton Therapy Center at MD Anderson opened and that September treated the first pediatric patient.

“我们寻找患者的生存机会显著谁可以更有针对性的辐射中受益。这不是姑息治疗选择,”马哈詹,副教授,儿科和中枢神经系统科和儿科放射肿瘤科主任共同科长说:MD安德森”s Department of Radiation Oncology.
The Proton Therapy Center has treated more than 300 pediatric patients, with the vast majority young patients with brain tumors. However, patients with rhabdomyosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, osteosarcoma and “really anything that requires precision radiation treatment” have been treated there, Mahajan says.
Already, more than 150 survivors and their caregivers have been surveyed, and the results show a majority of survivors recognize issues related to nutrition and obesity, and want to change their habits.

of brain cancer, enjoys a moment at Kim's Place,
Fit4Life program for pediatric patients.
基于这些信息,钱德拉,助理教授essor in the Division of Pediatrics, will evaluate a program called Fit4Life. The program will use cell phone and web-based intervention tools to approach brain tumor survivors ages 12-18 and their families. It is piloted by Maria Chang, a doctoral student who is collaborating with physicians from the University of California San Diego, as well as MD Anderson’s Department of Behavioral Science.
Survivors will receive nutrition information and have access to a website to help learn about different types of foods and food values. Cell phone reminders will prompt them to implement behaviors they have learned about. As they proceed through the program, participants will log their successes onto the site.
A nutritionist has been hired to work with the Children’s Cancer Hospital’s ON to Life Program. Rhea Li, a registered dietician, plans tailored nutrition counseling, following patients through their therapy to see how they benefit from eating well.
Video technology is part of the nutrition plan, too. A focus group of patients and survivors will pilot a video game developed by Tom Baranowski, Ph.D, professor of pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine, in coordination with Houston design studio Archimage. “Escape from Diab” is an interactive game aimed at preventing childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes through healthy eating and exercise.
“With these and other facets of the ON to Life Program, I believe pediatric patients, survivors and their caregivers will learn and reap the benefits of healthy eating and exercise,” Chandra says. “And for kids as well as adults, these healthy lifestyle lessons can actually be a great way to prevent many types of cancer.”