How the right support helped me through breast cancer
由Estelle Racusin
即使我继续拥有我的breast reconstructionsurgery 29 long months later, I remained sensitive about my body image. Still, I thought I could handle all my emotions.
该n, when I completed my treatments and my oncologist told me he’d see me again in three months, I felt totally lost and frightened. Three months? What was I supposed to do with myself? I had been safely isolated inMD安德森’s一年多的护理茧 - 散步,扫描,与我的肿瘤科医生,外科医生,辐射肿瘤学家和我的整形外科医生会面。
Despite my initial hesitation, I agreed to visitMD安德森’s精神病肿瘤学中心. It proved to be exactly what I needed. Therapy helped me overcome my what-if fears and taught me to greet each day that comes. I learned to appreciate all the little things– the sunrise, the sunset and the changing of the seasons.
My therapist encouraged me to love my body exactly the way it is. That helped me transform my negative experience on the beach into an opportunity to be thankful that I’m still alive and able to run with my two legs, and it gave me the strength to withstand future incidents. I was once in a store trying on a backless dress when a sales rep told me, “You can’t wear that – you have those scars down your back.” I said, “Oh, yes, I can. Those scars are part of me and my life.” I bought the dress and wore it -- and my breast reconstruction surgery scars -- proudly.
该rapy played such an important role in my cancer journey, but it wasn’t the only supportMD安德森多年来给了我。该综合医学中心还帮助我护理了我的幸福。在我的乳腺癌治疗过程中,一个MD安德森营养师引导我回到健康的体重,针刺relieved my anxiety when I developed osteoporosis 11 years into remission.
我收到的帮助MD安德森has been life-changing, which is why I recently agreed to join the hospital’s Psychosocial Council, an initiative that seeks to enhance patient care beyond medical treatment. This effort includes physicians, nurses, patients, social work counselors, psychologists, health educators, as well as representatives from摘念,通信,道德,患者倡导那志愿服务andRehabilitation Services,我们都在一起,确保患者获得最佳支持。
Since I joined the council, I’ve learned about all the services thatMD安德森提供适应患者的需求:疲劳诊所for patients experiencing ongoing exhaustion,神经心理学for those dealing withChemobrain那Oncofertility诊所for patients who may want to have children in the future,支持护理那疼痛管理和康复服务解决生命改变的副作用,社会工作for patients and family members who need help coping with the impact of cancer or who want to create advance care directives, the烟草治疗方案for those who wish to quit smoking – and the list goes on.
Cancer doesn’t have be a lonely journey. These services are available because many of us need them. So don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor about what you’re really experiencing or feeling. The support that’s waiting for you could make a big difference in your life. It definitely made an impact in mine.
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