December 06, 2018
正如诺贝尔经济学奖周的首次正式行动,2018诺贝尔经济学奖得主生理学或医学Jim Allison, Ph.D., on Thursday signed the bottom of a chair at Bistro Nobel in theNobel Museum在斯德哥尔摩的老城。椅子签名是诺贝尔奖获得者传统博物馆参观的一部分,并启动一周的事件。
佳佳的椅子免疫学在MD安德森,与共同得主本庶佑,医学博士,博士,京都大学一起,在稍后讨论他们的研究在上午乐动体育LDsports中国news conference.
Allison inventedimmune checkpoint blockade,治疗方法是治疗免疫系统,释放出它来攻击癌细胞。他的研究乐动体育LDsports中国导致了易普利姆玛发展,商业上称为Yervoy,其首创的药物。本庄在击中一个不同的靶细胞的表面上的第二药物的后期发展的工具。
“By stimulating the ability of our immune system to attack tumor cells, this year’s Nobel Prize laureates have established an entirely new principle for cancer therapy,” Thomas Perlmann, secretary of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine, noted in announcing the award on Oct. 1.
Adetailed accountAllison的和本庄的研究提供了诺贝尔网站上。乐动体育LDsports中国上周五,两位获奖者将提供他们的诺贝尔讲座, which will be livestreamed on the Nobel website and onYoutube在上午7时CST。
Traditionally, Nobel Laureates also donate artifacts to the Nobel Museum. Allison presented the museum with the following items:
- 表示9H10小瓶,小鼠模型单克隆抗体在他的实验室开发于1995年至框CTLA-4,T细胞上的蛋白质关闭免疫应答
- 自Bristol-Myers Squibb公司易普利姆玛一小瓶这是供人类使用基于Allison的开发工作
- The first page of a 1996 article in Science that reported the success of anti-CTLA-4 treatment in freeing T cells to attack cancer in mice
- 在小区2015年审查的第一页,是由合着Padmanee夏尔马,医学博士,博士., professor ofGenitourinary Medical Oncologyand Immunology, Allison’s longtime research collaborator and spouse
- A portrait of Allison and Sharma taken by a Dallas photographer
一系列的会议,接待和晚餐展开周末,在高潮presentation of the Nobel Prizes生理学或周一医学,物理,化学和经济学由瑞典国王在上午9:30 CST,12月10日的颁奖仪式也将是视频直播.
免疫治疗Nobel Prize Winner
Jim Allison, Ph.D.
Read stories and watch videos about his groundbreaking work.