大多数癌症病例 - 根据最近的杂志文章的66%,当细胞在细胞分裂的正常过程中细胞异常突变时发生。根据论文的作者,这些是随机的,不可避免的错误才造成不好的运气。另外29%的癌症病例是由环境因素引起的 - 思考抽烟。当从一代产生故障的基因时,最终的5%是遗传的。
“携带遗传突变的人不一定会患上癌症,但它们在终身期间在某些时候发展疾病的风险高于平均水平,”Karen Lu,M.D., co-medical director ofMD安德森s临床癌症遗传计划和教授妇科肿瘤学。
该计划是最大的国家中最大的一个,是遗传辅导员,医生和其他人一起提供遗传性癌症风险评估的所在地,genetic counseling and testing,患者及其亲属对患者的癌症筛查及其亲属family history癌症。
“We help people with a family history of cancer understand their risk,” Lu says, “so they can make informed medical decisions about their health.”
Certain factors make it more likely that cancers in a family are caused by an inherited gene, saysBanu Arun,M.D.,该计划和教授的合作医疗主任乳腺医疗肿瘤学。
“红旗应该被提升,”她说,“如果癌症发生在几代人,就像在祖母,母女一样;或者如果它被诊断为比平时更年轻,就像breast cancer在25岁的孩子中;或者如果家庭经历多种同一类型癌症的病例。“
医生可能会鼓励这些people to get tested, she says.
Patients and family members who are found to be at risk for hereditary cancers are referred to one ofMD安德森shigh-risk surveillance clinics for assessment of their personal and family history. The clinics offer genetic counseling and testing, personalized screening, long-term surveillance, and other interventions such as chemoprevention drugs to keep cancer at bay and prophylactic surgery to remove at-risk tissue or organs from the body before cancer occurs.
“Over the last two decades, great progress has been made in identifying the genes that predispose people to certain cancers,” says呃,你,M.D., the program’s associate medical director and an associate professor of外科肿瘤学。“With genetic counseling, testing and cancer prevention strategies, we can prevent cancer from occurring, or catch it in its earliest stage when it is most treatable.”
By the Numbers