


Results from a phase II clinical trial of such consolidative therapy, often thought to be futile once cancer has spread from its organ of origin to other parts of the body, are being presented at the 60TH.年会的美国放射肿瘤学会(Astro)在圣安东尼奥。

该试验,由MD Anderson研究人员设计了许多回顾性或小型的单手术乐动体育LDsports中国,暗示潜在的影响,适用于有三种或更少的转移性肿瘤的转移性非小细胞肺癌患者。




“These results present a strong signal for the benefit of radiation and surgery for these patients,” Gomez said. “However, particularly because the trial was initiated prior to the use of immunotherapy in lung cancer, the findings are being validated in multiple, larger clinical trials, such as the LONESTAR study at our institution.”





The National Cancer Institute estimates 234,030 cases of lung cancer will be diagnosed in 2018, about 13.5 percent of all cancers, and estimates 154,050 people will die from the disease, about 25.3 percent of all cancer deaths. Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer deaths. Non-small cell lung cancer accounts for about 85 percent of cases.


具有戈麦斯的共同调查人员是乍得唐,M.D.,辐射肿瘤学;Jianjun Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., George Blumenschein, M.D., Ferdinandos Skoulidis, M.D., Don Gibbons, M.D., Ph.D., Anne Tsao, M.D., and John Heymach, M.D., Ph.D., all of Thoracic/Head and Neck Medical Oncology; Mike Hernandez, Rong Ye and J. Jack Lee, Ph.D., of Biostatistics; Jose Karam, M.D., of Urology; Stephen Swisher, M.D., of Surgery; Boris Sepesi, M.D., of Thoracic Surgery; Ross Camidge, M.D., Ph.D., Robert Doebele, M.D., Ph.D., Laurie Gaspar, M.D., and Brian Kavanagh, M.D., of the University of Colorado School of Medicine; and David Palma, M.D., and Alexander Louie, M.D., of London Health Sciences Center, London, Ontario, Canada.