Scientists Identify Prostate Cancer Stem Cells Among Low-PSA Cells

MD Anderson新闻稿2012年5月4日

可以通过前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)表达的肿瘤细胞的水平来鉴定出治疗和表现出较高的肿瘤生成能力的前列腺癌细胞,这是由德克萨斯大学MD Anderson Cancer Center在5月3日的科学家领导的研究小组。乐动体育LDsports中国细胞干细胞的版本。

“Using a new technique, we were able for the first time to separate low-PSA and high-PSA prostate cancer cells. This led to the discovery of a low-PSA population of cancer stem cells that appears to be an important source of castration-resistant prostate cancer,” said study senior author Dean Tang, Ph.D., professor in MD Anderson’s Department of Molecular Carcinogenesis.


In cell lines and mouse model experiments, the low-PSA cells resisted chemotherapy and thrived under hormone deprivation, the two main prostate cancer drug treatments , the researchers found.


“Asymmetric cell division is the gold standard feature of normal stem cells,” Tang said. “Using time-lapse fluorescent microscopy, we were able to show asymmetric cell division by filming a low-PSA cell dividing into one high-PSA cell and one low-PSA cell.”

Their findings point to the need to develop new therapeutics to target low-PSA prostate cancer cells that can be combined with hormone therapy to wipe out cancer cells and prevent recurrence.




他们分析了20个未经治疗的前列腺癌样本,在格里森量表上以不同程度的侵略性和23个样本进行了治疗。高PSA肿瘤细胞平均约占Gleason 7肿瘤的80%,约占Gleason 9/10肿瘤的60%,但只有约15%的治疗性肿瘤。


Turning high-PSA cells green



This lentiviral reporter system allowed separation of low-PSA and high-PSA cells for the first time, Tang said. A series of experiments uncovered striking differences between them.


  • 迅速分裂,这使它们容易受到靶向快速生产细胞的化学疗法;
  • Express high levels of the androgen receptor, a key to testosterone production, and so are vulnerable to hormonal therapy; and
  • 当他们分裂时,只会产生相同的副本。


  • 缓慢分裂并表达抗压力基因,以帮助它们抵抗化学疗法;
  • 雄激素受体缺乏或缺乏或存在弱的存在,使它们在荷尔蒙治疗擦除PSA阳性细胞时生长。和
  • Can divide into one copy of themselves and one PSA-positive cell during reproduction. The researchers captured this on video microscopy, filming the division of a grey low-PSA cell into one copy of itself and one copy of a vibrantly green PSA-positive cell.






Tang and colleagues analyzed tumor cell PSA expression in 556 human tumors and found low protein levels correlated with reduced overall survival.



Co-authors with Tang are co-first authors Jichao Qin, Ph.D., and Xin Liu, Ph.D., Brian Laffin, Ph.D., Xin Chen, M.D., Grace Choy, Ph.D., Collene Jeter, Ph.D., Tammy Calhoun-Davis, Hangwen Li, Ph.D., Kevin Lin, and Mahipal Suranen, Ph.D., all of MD Anderson’s Department of Molecular Carcinogenesis at the Science Park in Smithville, Texas; Ganesh Palapattu, M.D., The Methodist Hospital, Houston; Shen Pang, Ph.D., UCLA Dental Research Institute and School of Dentistry; Jiaoti Huang, M.D.,Ph.D., UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine; Ivan Ivanov, Ph.D., Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine; and Wei Li, Ph.D., Baylor College of Medicine, Houston.

这项研究由乐动体育LDsports中国美国国家癌症研究所,美国国防部,德克萨斯州癌症预防与研究所,艾尔莎·帕迪基金会,医学博士安德森癌症中心癌症基金会,马里兰州安德森癌症表观遗传学中心的赠款资助。和John Arnold Foundation and MD Anderson’s Cancer Center Support Grants.
