尽管周六的早晨风暴造成了今年的计划造成严重破坏Polo在大草原上,5月18日在德克萨斯州奥尔巴尼的乌斯特曼兄弟懒人3牧场,降雨未能挫败逐步讨论的筹款努力。超过1,100个支持者德克萨斯州大学安德森癌症中心通过格莱美屡获殊荣的乡村音乐明星德怀特Yoakam享受了现场表演。该事件在MD安德森的癌症研究和患者计划中筹集了超过775,000美元。乐动体育LDsports中国今年的筹款推动了大草原对MD Anderson的总支持超过740万美元。
The original plan was to gather at the West Texas ranch to enjoy a U.S. Polo Association-sanctioned polo match, a chuck-wagon style barbecue dinner by Joe Allen’s Pit Bar-B-Q of Abilene and a private concert by Yoakam, capped by a spectacular fireworks show. Instead, with muddy roads too dangerous to travel and two inches of water in the tent, event planners quickly changed gears. With seven hours until the event was to start, MD Anderson staff and event volunteers contacted guests; procured a new stage and sound system; arranged for security and parking; and moved lights, linens, decorations, food and equipment to the Stephens County Airport.
Polo Matches于5月16日和17日,由于禁止在牧场的潮湿的现场条件下,在米尔兰,以懒惰的3和普遍的人团队为特色。Lazy 3's Bauti Crotto,Nicolai Galindo,Mitch Horne和Molly Musselman带回家了赢家了奖杯。
MD Anderson的本米尔逊,首席财务官,已向搬迁晚宴和音乐会组装的客人。他对Melinda梅林达和亨利·莫塞尔曼的马林达和亨利·莫塞尔曼和John Musselman和Jimmy Musselman家族的主持人提供特别感谢。椅子Emeritus Mary Anne McCloud of Eastland;和委员会成员米歇尔阿诺特,苏南库克,帕特·埃弗雷特,利兹绿色,Prissy Harvick,Marci Pearson和弗吉尼亚州马塞尔曼。米尔森还认识到从休斯顿旅行的MD Anderson教职员工参加活动。
“The success of this year’s event is due to the dedication of countless volunteers who refused to let a little rain dampen their spirits, but instead pulled off another record-breaking year in support of MD Anderson,” said Henry Musselman, who has served on the MD Anderson Cancer Center Board of Visitors since 1988. “This community-wide effort represented what Polo on the Prairie is all about: our West Texas neighbors united in Making Cancer History. We’re grateful for everyone who pitched in to make this event happen in support of the groundbreaking research and multidisciplinary care for which MD Anderson is known worldwide.”
顶级赞助商包括亨利贻贝斯;阿比林的AVJ基金会;沙龙和米德兰的鲍比弗洛伊德;Patricia和Jace Musselman of Laguna海滩,加利福尼亚州;朱莉和吉姆·奥塞尔曼达拉斯;敖德萨福特;戴安坟墓欧文基金会的阿比林;路易斯和德里兰德的布伦丹锋利;詹尼和米德兰的丹教士;奥尔巴尼的Jon Rex Jones; and WarrenCAT of Midland.
活动规划师提供特别感谢您提供的援助和服务:Laura Childress Cinergy Works,休斯敦,Pantera Productions的分期解决方案,乔艾伦和乔希艾伦和Joe Allen's Pit Bar-B-Que的阿比林,布鲁克郡的食品和药房在布尔肯里奇的奥尔巴尼和联合超市,享受捐赠和交付,H&H Garden Center,Midland,吉米麦凯久,乔治·哈维克,Gustavo Sauceo,Gustavo Sauceo和彩色,Reyes,Roberto和Sauceo家庭,Brecrecridge NHS和Pal®team, Larry and Robert Cauble, the Midland Polo Club, Hector Gonzales, Megan Flynn, the U.S. Polo Association, Vinnie Meyer of Texas Polo, Pyro Shows of Texas, cable Sportswear of Midland, Albany Rentals, WarrenCat, Steve Butman of Abilene, the Shackelford County Emergency Medical Service, Shackelford County Sheriff Ed Miller,斯蒂芬斯县治安官威尔·霍尔特和副警长以及德克萨斯州公共安全部队。