MD Anderson 乐动体育LDsports中国Research亮点:Astro 2021特别版


德克萨斯大学医学博士安德森癌症中心的研究重点,瞥见了MD Anderson专家的基本,转化和临床癌症研究乐动体育LDsports中国的最新研究。该特别版特色是MD Anderson研究人员的口头演讲乐动体育LDsports中国2021美国放射肿瘤学会(ASTRO)年会(Oct. 24-27) on novel therapeutic and diagnostic approaches, including partial breast irradiation, evaluating PD-L1 levels as biomarkers to better predict response to immunotherapy, and deep learning and biomechanical models.

与整个乳房照射相比Abstract 1026

适用于患者breast cancer,,,,twice-daily accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) may lead to poorer long-term cosmetic outcomes — such as volume loss, indentation at the site of the lumpectomy, asymmetries and deformation — compared with daily whole breast irradiation (WBI). However,Benjamin Smith, M.D.,,,,Jay Reddy, M.D., Ph.D.,,,,and a team of researchers hypothesized a once-daily regimen of APBI would yield improved cosmetic results and long-term quality of life by reducing side effects without compromising tumor control.


与WBI队列相比,蛋白石方案的患者的毒性和与治疗相关的不良事件较少。在开始该方案后的六个月内,有14.1%的患者经历了2级或更高的毒性,而WBI队列中有71%。在辐射后两年,接受蛋白石方案的患者的美容结局也明显好得多 - 蛋白石队列中有93%的患者报告了良好或良好的美容结果,而WBI患者中有77%。总体而言,该研究的结果表明,蛋白石方案与改善患者报告的美容结果,功能状态,乳房疼痛和医生报告的美容结果有关。

Tracking PD-L1 expression on circulating stromal cells throughout chemoradiation predicts survival outcomes for unresectable stage 3 NSCLC (摘要20

Chemoradiation followed by免疫疗法是当前治疗本地晚期,无法切除的患者的护理标准non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). While this strategy has demonstrated a significant impact on patient survival and cure rates, only a small percentage of patients benefit. To understand which patients would benefit from combination therapy,史蒂文·林(Steven Lin),医学博士,并且一组研究人员研究了在癌症相乐动体育LDsports中国关的巨噬细胞样细胞(CAML)上跟踪免疫检查点蛋白PD-L1的表达,这是一种在众多固体肿瘤恶性肿瘤的血液中发现的一种循环基质细胞,在整个化学上可以使用充当患者反应的预测生物标志物。

To evaluate correlations between PD-L1 expression and progression free survival (PFS) or overall survival (OS), researchers compared three groups of patients with stage 3 unresectable NSCLC: those treated with chemoradiation alone as the control, chemoradiation and immunotherapy drug atezolizumab, and chemoradiation and immunotherapy drug durvalumab.



基于深度学习的分割和基于生物力学模型的剂量积累提高了放射治疗的准确性(Abstract 86

Deformations of the stomach and duodenum can occur over the course of radiation therapy to treat肝癌. These deformations can lead to discrepancies between the planned radiation dose and the actual delivered dose. To track the accumulation of dose within the body and to estimate the impact of discrepancies, radiation oncologists use deformable image registration (DIR) — which creates a composite of two or more diagnostic images to identify anatomical and morphological changes in organ shape, size and position. However, this approach can be challenging for traditional intensity-based registration algorithms due to low contrasts in the images. A research team led byKristy Brock, Ph.D.,,,,used deep learning segmentation and biomechanical models of the liver, stomach and duodenum to improve the accuracy of dose accumulation and the understanding of the dose-toxicity relationship.

回顾性剂量积累是对75例由每日CT-ON轨道(CTOR)引导的外束放射疗法治疗的原发性和转移性肝癌患者的。该研究将CTOR上的医师绘制轮廓与基于AI的轮廓进行了比较。结果 - 由Guillaume Cazoulat博士- 表明,与传统的基于基于强度的方法相比,使用基于轮廓的DIR估计了计划和递送剂量之间的较大差异。通过传统方法,对十二指肠计算的正常组织并发症概率(NTCP)发现25%的患者在计划的剂量和累积剂量之间的差异大于5%。基于生物力学模型的DIR发现了38%的患者的这种差异程度,这表明这是一种更敏感的方法来估计差异。

Researchers plan to apply the fully automatic workflow method to a larger cohort of patients to help them better understand the relationship between delivered dose and toxicity outcomes in an effort to develop new adaptive treatment strategies and minimize radiation-induced toxicities in the gastrointestinal organs.