MD Anderson启动James P. Allison Institute迎来了新时代的免疫疗法
MD Anderson新闻稿2022年3月24日
德克萨斯大学MD Anderson癌症中心今天推出了詹姆斯·P·艾莉森学院,一个有远见的研究和创新中心乐动体育LDsports中国MD Anderson旨在培养开创性的科学,开发新的治疗方法并带来免疫疗法给所有患者。
艾莉森研究所(Allison Institute)将提高出色的发现,转化和临床研究,以整合跨学科的免疫生物学,并释放科学和医学对人类健康的全部潜力。乐动体育LDsports中国该研究所建立在其同名的遗产的基础上James P. Allison博士,因其在T细胞生物学方面的基本发现和对iPilimumab的发明而被授予2018年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,这是第一个免疫检查点抑制剂治疗癌症。
“Immunotherapy has transformed cancer care over the past decade but, unfortunately, not all patients benefit equally. Our goal is to change that,” said Allison, regental chair of免疫学和艾莉森学院的主任。“我们的愿景是通过增强跨学科科学卓越的能力并将发现加速进入新颖和协同疗法,从而引导世界进行免疫疗法研乐动体育LDsports中国究。”
Unlike the traditional pillars of cancer care — surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and targeted therapies — immunotherapy does not target the tumor directly but instead works to unleash the immune system. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of immunobiology, the institute will develop treatment approaches that effectively integrate these pillars to work in concert and prime immune cells for an anti-tumor response that can eliminate cancer — permanently.
Together with Allison, the institute will be led by renowned experts in immunotherapy and cancer research.Padmanee Sharma, M.D., Ph.D.,教授泌尿生殖器肿瘤学and Immunology, will serve as director of Scientific Programs for the Allison Institute, andRaghu Kalluri, M.D., Ph.D., professor and chair ofCancer Biology,将担任科学运营和管理总监。
“我们独特的能力将基本发现科学与转化药物开发和有影响力的临床研究相结合,为实现免疫疗法的希望并迈出了迈向终结癌症的关键一步,这为实现了前所未有的机会。”乐动体育LDsports中国彼得WT Pisters,医学博士, 的总统MD Anderson。“The Allison Institute is an essential component of our institutional战略为了对大多数人产生最大的影响,我相信该研究所的工作将对所有人类产生持久的影响。”
吉姆·艾莉森(Jim Allison)最初不是为了发现一种新的癌症疗法而被驱动,而是要了解T细胞和免疫系统的奥秘。他的好奇心和持久性使他在免疫检查站蛋白质中发现了突破性的发现。同样,所有学科的发现研究都是艾莉森学院任务乐动体育LDsports中国的核心。
Leveraging the strength ofMD Anderson的药物发现能力和临床专业知识以及战略生物制药合作,艾莉森学院将迅速从实验室迅速将发现从实验室到诊所,并通过临床见解,以告知正在进行的实验室研究。这些努力将带来新的药物和量身定制的组合,可以在精心设计的研究中通过MD Anderson的leading clinical research engine.
To achieve maximum impact, Allison Institute researchers will seek to learn as much as possible from the patients they aim to help. Cutting-edge data science will generate unparalleled insights from clinical trials in real time. Employing the reverse translational research model ofMD Anderson的免疫疗法平台, co-led by Allison and Sharma, these insights will guide simultaneous laboratory studies to answer critical questions for future trials.
Innovative research model to drive progress
The ambitious goals of the Allison Institute necessitate a unique organizational approach to change the way researchers come together, share ideas and accelerate progress.
艾莉森学院(Allison Institute)将建立一个具有卓越和创新文化的多样化和包容性的环境。该研究所的优先事项是训练和培育将领导下一代免疫疗法先驱的新星,从而确保在未来几十年保持进步。
Allison Institute members will encompass several categories of researchers, including established and rising scientists housed within the institute as well as internal and external scientists contributing to collaborative projects. Project-focused teams will be assembled to integrate expertise across scientific disciplines. As progress is made or new questions are revealed, teams will be reassembled to respond to the evolving scientific landscape.
这些团队将可以访问已经存在的良好基础设施MD Anderson, including innovativeresearch platforms,尖端的数据科学工作以及药物发现和开发能力Therapeutics Discovery division。
在这种情况下,MD Anderson将进行战略资本投资,以建立专业的核心设施和平台,以支持研究所的工作和MD Andersonpriority research efforts. The institute will be housed in state-of-the-art facilities now being constructed on theTMC3life-science campus以及未来的实验室空间MD Anderson的南校园。
The strategic direction of the Allison Institute also will be guided by an external scientific advisory board composed of leading experts that have committed to regular evaluations of the research portfolio and programs. The advisory board will be co-led by Robert Schreiber, Ph.D., the Andrew M. and Jane M. Bursky Distinguished Professor of Pathology and Immunology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, and Elaine Mardis, Ph.D., co-executive director of the Steve and Cindy Rasmussen institute for Genomic Medicine at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and professor of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University College of Medicine.
“艾莉森学院(Allison InstituteMD Andersonis known,” Schreiber said. “When one considers the leadership of the institute and the commitment fromMD Anderson, there is no doubt in my mind that the Allison Institute will rapidly become known as the paradigm for cancer research in the world.”
The Allison Institute is among the most ambitious efforts undertaken byMD Anderson- 证明该机构对对科学和医学产生深远而持久影响的承诺。
“MD Anderson一直致力于实现有影响力的突破的最佳科学,艾莉森学院将有助于我们未来的成功。Giulio Draetta,医学博士,博士,首席科学官。“这个有远见的研究所将在推动全无所不能的治疗进步的方法的深度,广度和适用性上是独一无二的,从而改善了患者的生活。”