The alliance pairs MD Anderson’s preclinical and clinical teams with Adaptimmune’s scientists and proprietary SPEAR® (Specific Peptide Enhanced Affinity Receptor) T-cell technology platform, which enables Adaptimmune to identify targets expressed on solid and hematologic cancers and to develop affinity enhanced T-cell receptors (TCRs) with optimal potency and specificity against them.
The teams will collaborate in a number of areas including preclinical and clinical development of Adaptimmune’s SPEAR T-cell therapies targeting MAGE-A10 and future clinical stage first and second generation SPEAR T-cell therapies such as MAGE-A4 across a number of cancers, including bladder, lung, ovarian, head and neck, melanoma, esophageal and gastric cancers. The alliance will also drive research and development of other new SPEAR TCR therapies to targets in other tumor types such as breast cancers and facilitate clinical study participation by MD Anderson in other Adaptimmune trials.
进入MD安德森肿瘤库将指导进一步的目标选择和临床试验设计,而其癌症免疫学核心和执行中的转化医学研究的专业知识可以帮助优化SPEAR T细胞疗法的疗效和安全性。
David Hong, M.D., associate professor of Investigational Cancer Therapeutics at MD Anderson added that, “It is our hope this alliance will allow us to address numerous solid tumors and augment the patient’s immune system, directing it against tumors based on their specific molecular makeup.”
“我们相信,这一战略联盟将提供多种新的第一和随后产生SPEAR T细胞疗法在我们近期的临床程序的开发对许多顽固性实体瘤强有力的伙伴关系,”拉斐尔阿马多,Adaptimmune的首席医疗官说。“这也将产生从患者样本,这将帮助我们了解这些疗法和设计下一代的研究非常宝贵的数据。我们非常自豪,形成癌症免疫学家在MD安德森的优秀团队这个联盟,并有信心,我们能够共同为病人谁是战斗多种癌症的前进这些新型免疫治疗的候选者。”