

德克萨斯州大学安德森癌症中心brings its signature Making Cancer History®seminar to Midland, for the first time, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 12, at the Midland Country Club, 6101 N. Highway 349. Renowned experts from the nation’s No. 1 cancer center will share the most recent developments in cancer research and care as well as healthy lifestyle tips to reduce cancer risk. In addition, Midland resident and three-time cancer survivor Lauren Erdmann, 26, will share her story of overcoming cancer three times as a patient at MD Anderson.

The free seminar, underwritten by the Henry Foundation, is open to the public and includes lunch. Doors open at 11 a.m.

Presentations will feature:

  • Ernest Hawk, M.D., vice president for Cancer Prevention; executive director, Duncan Family Institute for Cancer Prevention and Risk Assessment, who will provide a brief introduction to MD Anderson’s Moon Shots Program, a comprehensive, accelerated effort to significantly reduce cancer deaths and transform cancer care. With up to 50 percent of cancers occurring in Americans estimated to be avoidable, Hawk will recommend seven areas of action that people should take to reduce cancer risk.
  • Sam Hanash,M.D.,Ph.D.,致癌症的早期检测和治疗癌症的终端,致力于减少肺癌死亡率的进展,男女癌症死亡的主要原因。他还将讨论MD Anderson的肺癌月亮拍摄,并在筛选和早期检测方面审查进展。
  • Anthony Lucci,M.D., professor, Breast Surgical Oncology, who will share how MD Anderson is studying circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in the blood to guide further treatments for breast cancer patients. His team is investigating the use of CTCs to identify new markers and in turn develop novel treatments as well as to develop alternatives to invasive and painful biopsies, such as a simple blood draw, or “liquid biopsy.”

A question-and-answer session will follow the presentations.

MD安德森is the nation’s top hospital for cancer care, earning the No. 1 ranking in U.S. News & World Report’s“Best Hospitals” survey 11 times in 14 years.

自1944年3月开业以来,已有100多万人寻求护理MD安德森, including nearly 6,000 Midlanders. TheMD安德森癌症中心Board of Visitors, which provides leadership and support forMD安德森包括米德兰的五名成员。
