




The 15-hour surgery, which was conceptualized nearly four years ago, was performed at Houston Methodist Hospital by a team led by MD Anderson’s Jesse C. Selber, M.D., and Houston Methodist’s A. Osama Gaber, M.D., on Friday, May 22, about 20 hours after LifeGift alerted the team to the availability of the organs.


超过50名医疗保健专业人员,协助或支持手术,包括来自MD Anderson和Houston Methodist医院的专门重建整形外科医生,以及一支移植外科医生,神经外科医生和来自休斯顿卫理公会的护士和其他人。救生员也在规划和准备中发挥了不可或缺的作用,从来没有促进采购头皮和头骨进行移植。

“While it was incredibly exciting to bring together two of the Texas Medical Center’s leading institutions to collaborate and leverage their expertise for this first-ever transplant, the most meaningful result is what the successful surgery will mean for Jim,” said Selber, associate professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at MD Anderson, the clinical team co-leader and the originator of the idea to transplant the scalp and skull during the same surgery to transplant the other organs. “This was an ideal clinical situation that allowed us to transplant all these tissues from one patient, and Jim’s patience, courage and enthusiasm for the idea were vital.”







“With the Houston Methodist transplant resources, we had the perfect opportunity to help Mr. Boysen,” said Gaber, director of the Houston Methodist J.C. Walter Jr. Transplant Center and the surgeon who performed the kidney and pancreas transplants and led the Houston Methodist team who cared for Boysen. “I was pleased that, despite the difficult nature of the procedure, the donor and recipient surgeries worked flawlessly. The two surgeries spanned over 24 hours and required multiple Houston Methodist Hospital and MD Anderson physicians and Houston Methodist nursing teams to complete. Our nurses and transplant coordinators fell in love with Jim and were excited to see him do so well.”