$ 50,000个奖通过芬纳兰家庭养老在转译研究追封乐动体育LDsports中国
得克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症中心的大学颁发的首届芬纳兰家庭奖克里斯托弗Logothetis,医学博士,椅子和泌尿生殖系肿瘤内科教授。$ 50,000现金奖励将通过在MD安德森的芬纳兰家庭养老的转化研究,每年给予一个值得教员。乐动体育LDsports中国
“这是一个非常愉快和挺感动的惊喜,因为我有爱心的快乐比尔芬纳兰很长一段时间,” Logothetis说。“他是一个意志坚强的,善意的人,谁知道,他的癌症经验意为其他人。他让我们可以磨练自己的技能,并确保我们治疗患者以及癌症。”
“I’ll never be able to fully express how truly grateful I am for Dr. Logothetis and the entire MD Anderson staff,” said Finneran, an MD Anderson Cancer Center Board of Visitors member and a prostate cancer survivor who has been under Logothetis’ care for more than 20 years. “We created this endowment to honor faculty such as Dr. Logothetis who continue, year after year, providing hope to patients and their families for a future free of cancer.”
The Finneran Family Endowment in Translational Research at MD Anderson was established with a surprise $1 million gift presented at the institution’s Making Cancer History® Award Gala in Palm Beach, Fla. in Dec. 2013. The endowment funds the Finneran Family Prize to honor leading faculty members who conduct of translational cancer research, which translates laboratory findings into clinical treatments benefiting patients.