March 20, 2017
我的journey to overcome three cancer diagnoses
BY Nancy Herrod
它始于2005年8月,当时我被诊断出患有两种不同的疾病breast cancers--每个乳房一个。四个月后,我被诊断为II期结直肠癌注意到我大便间歇性出血。
在休斯顿住了一辈子,我觉得只有一个地方可以去--MD Anderson. 我第一次和我的乳房外科医生约会,罗莎湖港,M.D.,2005年8月。
Coordinating my breast and colorectal cancer treatment
Hwang博士进行了双重细分乳房切除术,开始我的乳腺癌治疗. In October, I started chemotherapy, but that was put on hold once my colorectal cancer was diagnosed.
我的care team did an amazing job coordinating treatments for each cancer. My radiation oncologist recommended we first shrink the colorectal tumor with radiation, so I had daily colorectal and breast辐射七个星期。在这段时间里,我同时接受了结直肠癌的化疗。
In April 2006,Miguel Rodriguez Bigas医学博士。, performed surgery to remove the colorectal tumor, at which point I was declared cancer-free! However, I still had six months of化疗after surgery.
癌症对我来说是一件可怕的事情,但是医生、护士和技术人员让它几乎成为一种愉快的经历。他们总是面带微笑,为我加油。他们为病人奉献了太多的自己,我知道我今天在这里是因为在MD Anderson.
The importance of knowing your body
I was 46 years old when I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer, which is younger than the recommended age to start colonoscopies. I’m glad that I gathered the courage to talk to my oncologist when I noticed blood in my stool.
Because of that, a colonoscopy found my colorectal cancer at just stage II. I believe catching it at an early stage helped save my life.
That’s why I now tell everyone to get their routine cancer screenings. And, if something doesn’t seem right, have it checked. If cancer runs in your family, talk to your doctor so he or she can advise you on screening and prevention. Find a doctor you can talk to and share your concerns with. I’m living proof that early detection is key.
我对早期发现和癌症意识的承诺是我如此支持的原因MD Anderson的年度范围5K. 这项活动有助于为提高对结直肠癌的认识筹集资金。自2006年以来,我几乎每年都参加,我鼓励每个人传播信息,参与并帮助为癌症研究筹集资金。我希望看到这种可怕的疾病被根除。乐动体育LDsports中国
我的癌症之旅并不轻松,但我在路上遇到了一些了不起的人。我真的很幸运能成为MD Andersonfamily for 11 years now. I say that my cancer journey continues because, once you’re diagnosed with cancer, it never totally goes away.
我的family and I have been forever changed by cancer, but I believe we have become better people. We’ve learned to accept what can’t be changed and how to show more compassion towards others.
A cancer diagnosis begins a scary journey. But asMD Anderson已经告诉我,旅程不必像以前那么可怕了。
Nancy Herrod will be honored at the 12thannual SCOPE 5K run, which will be held atMD Anderson2017年3月25日星期六。比赛促进了结直肠癌筛查和诊断疾病的人。Learn more.
在请求预约MD Anderson线上or by calling 1-877-632-6789.
If something doesn’t seem right, have it checked. I’m living proof that early detection is key.
Nancy Herrod