4 tips to avoid sugar spikes
希瑟·亚历山大(Heather Alexander)
您的身体努力保持sugarin your blood at a safe level. As soon as you eat that cookie or bowl of pasta, your pancreas starts putting out the hormone insulin to process the sugar you’ve taken in.
In the short term, a spike in your blood sugar will cause a sugar rush, followed by a sugar crash, with all the cravings and lethargy that go along with that.
“When we work our pancreas too much by consuming simple sugars that cause sugar spikes, it’s going to tell us, ‘I'm tired, and I need a break,’” says dietitian Kendall Stelwagen. “It can’t keep up with the amount of insulin needed to deal with the sugar, and that's when we're going to seeinsulin resistance, prediabetes, Type 2diabetes和相关心脏问题。”
这是Stelwagen和Deetitian Sheila vo的四件事,希望您知道要检查血糖。
1. There are specific measures for fasting blood sugar.“Fastingblood sugar should be 99 mg/dL” VO说,援引疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)的建议。“我们使用的另一项措施称为A1C,它可以在三个月内测量平均血糖。您的A1C水平不应超过5.7%。”这两种措施均通过血液检查收集。
2. Complex carbohydrates help control blood sugar. Every food you eat is turned to sugar – it’s the main energy source for your body. But for some foods, this process takes longer, which gives your body more time to deal with the sugar. This is why brown rice, whole wheat pasta and whole wheat bread are healthier for you. The extrafiberslows down digestion, helps you avoid a sugar spike and makes you feel full for longer. The refined white versions will strain your pancreas and likely make you want to eat more.
“The insulin your body releases to control the sugar actually makes us hungry, so after your sugar spike, you're going to be reaching for more things to eat,” says Stelwagen.
成人至少应该做150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise每周。如果您担心血糖水平,请坚持中等运动,因为剧烈运动会释放肾上腺素并增加血糖。
4.管理压力可以帮助避免血糖峰值。众所周知stressnegatively affects our bodies. One of the reasons is that it knocks ourhormonesout of balance. When we are in a moment of stress, the hormones adrenalin and cortisol are released, and our blood sugar rises to give us energy to deal with the immediate threat. This is helpful initially, but if you are under chronic stress, it’s a problem.
“It can be so hard balancing work and family, and the pandemic has increasedstress对于这么多人,” VO说。“当我们努力平衡生活时,我们的身体努力平衡我们的糖水平,激素水平和系统的许多其他方面。”
Lack of睡觉还将影响身体使用胰岛素来减少血糖的能力。
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